Aktuelles: Corona – Keine Sommerparty 2020 😢

Hallo Zusammen!

Wie ihr sicherlich bereits mitbekommen habt ist es aufgrund der Umstände sinnvoll, getreu dem Motto #socialdistancing, Sozialkontakte zu minimieren, um einem Ansteckungsrisiko vorzubeugen.

Auch wir von der Studentischen Selbstverwaltung wollen uns und unsere Mitmenschen schützen und unterstützen, weshalb wir die Sommerparty am 12.06 vorsorglich absagen werden. Wir suchen aber nach einer Alternative für euch, sobald sich die Lage wieder beruhigt hat.
Weiterhin würden wir euch bitten Rücksicht zu nehmen und keine Partys zu feiern. Falls ihr dennoch beobachtet, dass gefeiert wird, bitten wir euch uns zu helfen und die Leute nochmal darauf hinzuweisen, solche Veranstaltungen zu unterlassen.

Danke für euer Verständnis und eure Unterstützung!

Eure SV


Dear all,

As you probably heard by now, it would be good for all of us to keep social distance. Through #socialdistancing you can not only protect yourself, but others as well and keep the infection risk at a minimum rate.

We, the Studentendorf Student Self-Administration, are thus sad to announce that our great summer party (12.06) will be canceled. We try our best to find an alternative for you as soon as the situation becomes less tense.

We would further like to ask you to be patient and understanding. Please don’t party with friends or flatmates, and if you see others do so help us to remind them that it’s dangerous and that they shouldn’t meet up for events like this.

Thank you for your understanding and help!

Your SV


Are you down for some serious action? Throw those arrows, kick that ball and race that kart till the price is yours!
That’s right, we got a great price to win👍

Never played darts, table soccer or Mario Kart? No problem! 🙂 This is a great opportunity to give it a try or learn from others.

And if you are still hesitating, get this: FREE DRINKS!

So get yourself together, simply come on your own or bring friends and flatmates.

All we have to do is just having FUN😃

We, Thorsten and Markus, are happy to see you👋☺️

Email: sport@dorfgoe.de
fb: Sporttutor Studentendorf

Christmas Karaoke 13.12.2019, 09:00p.m.

(English Version below)

Liebe Dorfbewohner,

Ihr könnt vom Karaoke nicht genug bekommen oder seid absoluter Weihnachtsfan? Ihr habt Lust andere Dorfbewohner bei einem gemütlichen Glühwein oder Kinderpunsch kennen zu lernen? Ihr würdet einfach gerne mal wieder unter Menschen und Spaß haben? Dann seid ihr auf unserer “Last Christmas I gave you my heart” Party genau richtig!

Kommt vorbei und singt die bekanntesten, beliebtesten trashy Weihnachtssongs mit uns. Wir freuen uns auf euch! (:

Euer Orga Team,

Karl & Gina

P.S. Bitte tragt euch in die Liste ein, Helfer sind immer gerne gesehen und gebraucht (:



Dear Villagers,

You can’t get enough of karaoke? You love Christmas? You would like to get to know other villagers over a mulled wine or punch? You’d like to go out again and have fun? Then our “Last Christmas I gave you my heart” Party is just what you’re looking for.

Come around and sing the most famous and trashy Christmas songs with us. We’re looking forward to seeing you! (:

Your Orga Team,

Karl & Gina

P.S. We would really much appreciate some help for decorating and setting up the room, so please sign up in our list.


Karaoke Party

& Election of Second Tutor

One more week until our Karaoke Party! Choose your favourite song and sing your hearts out! For the non singers among us: you’re all invited to support the talents or to hang with your friends ☺

And what’s more, you have the opportunity to elect your second tutor of integration!

Those who are interested in becoming a tutor, don’t hesitate to send us an email! 😊

Looking forward to seeing you,
your Integration Tutors of the Student Village
Markus and Saskia

fb: Integration Tutorial

fb groups: Studentendorf Göttingen; International Students in Studentendorf Göttingen

Studentendorf International Meet & Greet


Winter is coming and how else than with a full tummy is the best way to get through it😊

Treat yourself to the last BBQ of the year! And the best, it’s FREE for villagers!

Just moved in? Welcome! 🙋

Come along to our INTERNATIONAL MEET & GREET Winter Semester Edition 2019, get to know your village, your neighbours and make new friends! 👫👭👬

For details see our awesome poster attached👍 You are our VIP! Thus it is very important that you come round and vote for your Integration Tutors for the next two semesters. They are your representative in the village, offer support when needed and organises events for you.
Do you feel like this might be something for you? Check out the yellow sheet on the pin board of your house/floor and become a Tutor today😀👍

Looking forward to seeing you,
your Integration Tutors of the Student Village
Markus and Wong Tsz

fb: Integration Tutorial

fb groups: Studentendorf Göttingen; International Students in Studentendorf Göttingen