Your Integration Tutors of Studentendorf are happy to present to you the next free and fun event for this semester!
Newcomer Information and Village Tour, 8 pm
Yummy BBQ with cold beer and refreshing drinks, from 8:30 pm
Watching Eurovision Song Contest on big screen, from 9 pm
This is a great way to get to know your flatmates, neighbours and to find new friends! Feel free to come along!
Cheer for your star or find others to cheer with, enjoy our community atmosphere, make your taste buds happy and while you are at it, take away some useful infos about the village and life in Germany 🙂 Vegetarian/vegan options available, and you are welcome to bring your own food, too.
Looking forward to seeing you all!
Best regards,
Wong Tsz and Markus
fb: Integration Tutorial
fb groups: Studentendorf Göttingen; International Students in Studentendorf Göttingen